Sunday, October 23, 2011

I guess something new to occupy my time..........

 Well I guess my endless search lately for information and stories on the web has encouraged me to start my own blog. I found that i could spend hours lost looking for "information" on the things that interest me. I alwasy found myself knee deep in someones blog and enjoying every minute reading about the things that mattered to me and them. How odd is it that you can feel a bond with someone over thousands of miles away. I hope to be even a small bit as good a blogger as some of the inspirations I have found on here. I guess a little back ground is in Order before I get too far into things. I live in a small town called Windsor, in South Carolina. I am former Navy and still have a job in a related field that my Navy training prepared me for. I recently remarried to the love of my life who was my high school sweet heart. I joined my volunteer fire department back in January and absolutely love fire fighting. The career field here does not exactly start with a pay base that would support my family. There fore I have been left doing what I have to to support my family and wishing I was doing fire fighting as a career. There still might be a way and we can get into that latter as well. Just so everyone gets caught up I will probably spend several of my early post in this blog getting you caught up in what i have done as a firefighter so far. It will probably pale in comparison to plenty of FF blogs you read online but that is my life here. Now I leave you with a few terrible pictures.

This is another story all together. If it makes you smile or laugh then good.

My beautiful wife

Some of the friends I made in my 1152 class.

My beautiful daughter

 Here is me at my 1152 burn back in May 2010

Auto Extrication class practicing with some hand tools.

forcing a door                                                                                                                                                   


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere. Nice to have another FF in the ranks. How big is your department?

  2. Small rural department although we do cover the largest district in our county except that which is covered by the Savannah River Site. We have about 20 firefighters and first responders in our department of which about 12 of us are "active". 100% volunteer department like most departments in our county. We have 2 fire stations and maintain 5 trucks. The stations are unmanned and as volunteers we all respond from home directly to the scene with someone getting the necessary trucks along the way. I hope that kinda answers your question.
